The Middle Ages (108) : Fire breather


This series is an attempt to illustrate how life was going on in the Middle Ages.

Fire breathing is the act of creating a fireball by blowing a stream of fuel over an open flame.

The origin of fire breathing is suspected to be about as old as human production of alcohol and has a long tradition in China & India but its existence is also noted in ancient Egyptian texts.

In the midle ages, fire breathers were part of traveling singers and jugglers.

Photographed at medieval festival of castle Reinhardstein (Robertville, Belgium)


A big thanks to [fc-user:1913990] for the nomination of this picture.


For now, this is the last picture of this series. Thanks for all comments.
I had great fun making these shots and maybe next year there will be a sequel.
And now, back to natureā€¦..

With just one click below, you can see the whole series once again.
