The Living Forest (75) : Large Skipper & Ringlet


Two butterflies you don’t see very often. I was lucky to capture them both in 1 single shot.

The Large Skipper (top) is, although called ‘Large’, a relatively small butterfly, but a very active one. Unfortunately, it stands on the Red List of threatened species !

The Ringlet (bottom) is a pretty dark brown butterfly with distinctive eyespots on the underwings (white centre, black inner ring, outer yellow ring). This is one of the rare butterflies that also flies in very overcast weather conditions and it may even venture forth during light showers !

Dutch name : Groot Dikkopje (boven ) & Koevinkje (onder)
German name : Rostfarbige Dickkopffalter (oben ) & Braune Waldvogel (unten)
Latin name : Ochlodes sylvanus & Aphantopus hyperantus