Eurasian Wigeon


Due to the relatively warm first part of the winter so far this year, there are much less winter visitors among the birds as usual.
So far, I could only spot this female Eurasian Wigeon on one of the many fens of the ‘Kalmthoutse Heide’
(one of the greatest National Parks of Belgium)

The Wigeon is a medium-sized duck that breeds in the northernmost areas of Europe and Asia
(Scandinavia, Russia, Siberia, up to the Barents Sea).
It is a strongly migratory bird that migrates in winter to western and southern Europe (and sometimes even to Africa).

Dutch name : Smient
German name : Pfeifente
Latin name : Anas penelope (previously Mareca penelope)

Last year, I could shoot these 2 striking winter visitors : [fc-foto:23932213][fc-foto:23971874]